Stage 1 - start by lying in a semi-reclining position. Bend your
knees, flatten your feet, support your head and neck. Insert the small sphere
after well lubricating with a water based jelly. Your pelvic floor muscles will
constrict the Pelvicisor due to the coldness. Continue to insert the Pelvicisor
until you reach the centre sphere. Now relax the pelvic floor muscles. Slowly
tighten up the muscles and remove the Pelvicisor with resistance. Repeat the
process for at least 8 to 12 minutes. The Pelvicisor will be warmed up by your
body temperature at this time. Reinsert the Pelvicisor and try to lift the
Pelvicisor several times repeating this for about 20 to 30 lifts. Relax the
muscles and remove the Pelvicisor. You have now finished you first set of
exercises. Do this twice daily for six weeks.
Stage 2
- starting with week six. Insert the large sphere after
lubricating with a water based jelly. Now insert it until you reach the centre
sphere. Slowly pull the Pelvicisor out of the vagina applying resistance. Repeat
this process for at least 8 to 12 minutes. With the large sphere inserted apply
resistance and start lifting the Pelvicisor with your pelvic muscles, relaxing
during each lift. You should repeat this for a minimum of 30 sets. At this time
your pelvic floor muscles should be strong enough to hold the Pelvicisor up
(while supporting it with your hand) for a period of time. If you can not do
this exercise with ease you should continue to stage one until comfortable with
this lifting and holding exercise. You have now completed your exercising sets.
You will want to continue doing your exercises three times a week. This will
keep your pelvic muscles strong. You may want to reverse the Pelvicisor
inserting the small sphere and lifting, supporting it with your hand as you do