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The PelvicToner is an highly effective, simple to use medical device that has been specifically designed to help you exercise your pelvic floor muscles more effectively. 

It has benefited tens of thousands of women by helping them identify, isolate and exercise their pelvic floor in accordance with the principles identified by Arnold Kegel, the 'father' of Kegel or pelvic floor muscle exercises.

In 1948 Arnold Kegel first described pelvic floor exercises as a treatment option for patients suffering from stress incontinence. 

Today, doctors still agree that undertaking regular Kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles is of great benefit to women with stress incontinence and it is the primary course of treatment in suitable cases - achieving an 80% cure rate.

A third of new mums and half of all women will suffer from stress incontinence - embarrassing urine leaks that happen when you cough, sneeze, laugh and exercise.

The PelvicToner costs just £29.99.
The benefits are priceless!

Health gurus recommend that PelvicToner exercises are essential to get your body back into shape after childbirth and in preparation for menopause - when your muscles naturally slacken and symptoms of stress incontinence become even more apparent.

Hear what Janey Lee Grace has to say on the subject turn on your speakers and click the screen image

However, very few people know that in 1952 Kegel published some even more stunning research that has never been widely published - depriving women everywhere of a better sex life and an incentive to do their 'kegel' exercises on a regular, daily basis!

“Observations in [more than 3,000 women,] both parous (child-bearing) and nulliparous (non-child-bearing)..., ranging in age from 16 to 74 years, have led to the conclusion that sexual feeling within the vagina is closely related to muscle tone, and can be improved through muscle education and resistive exercise."
“78 of 123 women complaining explicitly of sexual deficits achieved orgasm following the training”.

Arnold H. Kegel "Sexual Functions of the Pubococcygeus Muscle "Western Journal of Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, 60, pp. 521-524, 1952

Exercising against a resistance, and preferably the ability to measure the 'squeeze' force, is fundamental to Kegel exercise and this is why the PelvicToner enables you to exercise far more effectively than just squeezing in isolation.

Recent clinical research published in the British medical Journal recommended that pelvic floor exercise should be the first choice of treatment for genuine stress incontinence because simple exercises proved to be far more effective than electrostimulation or vaginal cones.

Research in the US confirms that the PelvicToner exercise programme can play a major role in the treatment of stress incontinence symptoms and some physical aspects of sexual dysfunction. Subjects were monitored throughout a 16 week period. The pelvic tone pressure was measured at rest and during active voluntary contraction (Kegel strength or Kegel tone). 87% of subjects showed improved Kegel strength and amongst those achieving improved resting tone the mean increase in Kegel tone was 38%. Subjective data collected by surveys revealed an overall improvement in bladder function and sexual satisfaction, and high levels of user acceptance.

User surveys in the UK have mirrored these findings with 87% of respondents reporting improved bladder control with 4 weeks and 80% reporting an improved sex life.

The PelvicToner is currently the subject of a 100 patient clinical trial at one of the UK's leading stress incontinence clinics. 

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