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Frequently asked questions about the PelvicToner

Will these products work for me? Yes, it will work for any women with the desire to strengthen and tone the pelvic floor muscles resulting in increased vaginal health and helping to stop the unwanted flow of urine while intensifying your orgasms.

How will I know if the exercise is working? As you follow the exercise suggestions, you will begin to see the increased number of vaginal contractions you can perform and you'll need to progressive resistance by adding the second spring. As this occurs, stress incontinence improves as well as vaginal control.

How long do I need to use them? All muscles in the body will get weak, soft and loose without exercise. So make a commitment to use your PelvicToner for rest of your life. Make the right decision.

Should I worry about soreness? The PelvicToner may produce some soreness or a slightly uncomfortable feeling, but no more than exercising any other body part. If it hurts stop and allow the muscles to recuperate. Making sure that you are relaxed before you begin will help enormously.

What happens if I stop using these products? As with any muscle that is not used, there will be a loss of tone and atrophy will occur. The breakdown that takes place within the muscle tissue will be gradual. Many women who have discontinued use of the PelvicToner have experienced loss of the vaginal tone and control they achieved and the return of stress incontinence.

Who should not use the PelvicToner? Women who are or may be pregnant should not use these products. Any women who are postpartum, prone to genito-urinary tract infections or who have had prior genito-urinary tract surgery should consult their physician prior to using either product.

Isn’t the PelvicToner basically just a pleasurable toy for women? NO, however; if during the course of these exercises women do experience pleasure that is only a bonus to the real benefits of healthy pelvic muscles.


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