
70-80% cure or improvement rate of suitable cases in primary care1

Stress incontinence is one of the most distressing, embarrassing and inconvenient medical conditions facing women today and 1 in 4 women will experience stress incontinence at some time in their lives. 

The value of pelvic floor exercises as a primary treatment has been consistently demonstrated since Kegel published his work2 in 1948. His observations, based on 15 years of experience of teaching pelvic floor exercises in the post-partum period, are just as valid today. Indeed, recent research3, in a randomised single blind trial, confirmed that pelvic floor exercises were superior in efficacy when compared to other conservative treatment modalities. The rate of objective cure was significantly higher for pelvic floor exercises (44%) compared to electrostimulation (28%) and vaginal cones (15%). 

There are circumstances in which Kegel exercises do not work 4 but these are due more to the application of the exercise regime than to the exercise regime itself:
the exercises are taught incorrectly - it is easy to teach exercises for the muscle groups in the pelvic area without recruiting the pelvic floor muscles at all. 
verbal instruction is the only instruction given - it has been documented that after verbal instruction only, the woman may bear down rather than pulling up, thus actually doing more damage rather than improving matters. Clenching the buttocks is not working the pubococcygeal (PC) muscle correctly and, despite one-to-one coaching, many women are still unable to identify and properly exercise the pubococcygeal muscle. 
they are not performed regularly and with maximum resistance - Kegel's original principle was that the muscles should be worked maximally and that the exercise programme should progress as the woman was able. It is now widely accepted that an exercise regime needs to be performed for between 3-6 months in order to gain maximum improvement. However, there is good reason for correct pelvic floor exercises to be part of every woman's regular exercise routine. 
the patient has severe symptoms - pelvic floor exercises can still be helpful even when there is severe incontinence, prolapse and bladder instability.

Good teaching of effective and regular exercise should form the basis of treatment for most women. 

A watertight solution!

"The PelvicToner has been fantastic. My symptoms have reduced by 80% and my doctor has told me that my planned operation is no longer necessary.”

The PelvicToner™ has been specifically developed by US incontinence specialists to be used in conjunction with Kegel exercises and to meet two of the specific weaknesses often associated with a pelvic floor exercise regime:
use of the correct muscle group - with the PelvicToner in place it is the PC muscle that has to be used in order to achieve closing and the correct usage. This makes the PelvicToner ideal for training purposes and for regular home use, because it provides a direct feedback to the teacher and pupil that the correct muscles are being used.
the direct application of progressive resistance - this provides a real indication of effective exercising and enables women to develop the tone of the muscle over time by increasing the resistance accordingly.

The PelvicToner's unique patented design hugs the female anatomy to maximise the benefits of exercising. The impact of repetitive tightening of the vaginal muscles against resistance can be felt after as little as one week of use. 

Any concerted exercise of a specific muscle group increases blood flow to the area and there is some evidence that use of the PelvicToner enhances sensitivity in the vagina that may help to intensify sexual sensations. Improved muscle tone also improves the vaginal embrace to the benefit of both partners. Research is underway in the US to provide specific evidence of the value of the PelvicToner, used in conjunction with other therapy, in the treatment of sexual dysfunction. 

The PelvicToner is safe and easy to use. The exercises can be carried out in about ten minutes at any convenient time throughout the day but a regular daily exercise regime is recommended. 

An informative instruction booklet "Improve your pelvic health" is available free of charge.

 The PelvicToner is available through selected outlets and by mail order priced £29.99.

The PelvicToner is registered as a Class 1 medical device (vaginal trainer) under the provisions of the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC. 

1. Royal College of Physicians (1995) Incontinence: causes, management and provision of services 
2. Kegel: Am J Obstet Gyneol 1948; 52:238-48
3. BØ, Talseth, Holme: Br Med J 1999; 318:487-93
4. Sharon Green, Physiotherapist: The Continence Foundation Review (Winter 2000)

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