Beat Urinary Stress Incontinence
& Out the Elephant
Urinary Stress Incontinence (USI) is a huge problem that no-one is talking about.
Over half* of women in the UK suffer from USI in their lifetimes, but most suffer in silence, with as few as 2% talking to their GP about their problem, either because they are too embarrassed, or because they are unaware that there is an effective solution.
It really is the Elephant in the Room and it needs to be confronted.
Help is at hand
There are 3 simple steps to beating USI and Outing the Elephant to help end the unnecessary suffering of so many women.
1. Understand - once you understand that USI is a common problem that is easily treated for most women, you can start work on a solution.
2. Exercise - complete a programme of effective pelvic floor exercise using the PelvicToner to achieve the strong and healthy pelvic floor you need to beat USI.
3. Talk - tell your friends how easy it is to beat USI and help us to Out the Elephant.
Why you should use the PelvicToner
The PelvicToner dramatically improves the expected outcome of a programe of pelvic floor exercises. It is a simple, effective, low cost, clinically proven device that you can use without the need of medical supervision and you could see significant improvement is just 2 weeks.
Simplicity is a key to success and the Pelvic Toner is a simple device that is easy to use.
A simple device - it is a simple mechanical device, with few moving parts and no electronics to go wrong
Easy to use – the PelvicToner is easy to use and dramatically improves the expected outcome of a programme of pelvic floor exercises
Self-help – no expert supervision is required to use the PelvicToner
The PelvicToner is effective, because it meets the requirements set out by Arnold Kegel for effective pelvic floor exercises. These key requirements are:
Feedback – the PelvicToner gives you immediate and effective feedback, so that you know that you are exercising the correct muscles
Resistance – muscles must be exercised by contractions against resistance (body builders wouldn’t do very well without weights!): the PelvicToner requires you to squeeze against a gentle resistance provided by springs, providing effective strengthening exercises
Progressive – as you get stronger, your muscles need to work harder if they are to continue to improve. The PelvicToner provides 5 levels of resistance, allowing you to build up the strength in your muscles in a matter of weeks.
Imagine a body-builder trying to get bigger muscles just by posing in front of a mirror!
Well, that’s what “traditional” pelvic floor exercises are like!
Exercise correctly and you'll see the benefits in no time at all
The PelvicToner is the most cost-effective treatment available for USI. It is certainly the cheapest and most effective option available to your GP. You can:
- click here to buy it online for £29.99 + £2.00 P&P
- get it from your GP on prescription - this means that there is no charge at all for the great majority of those that need help. (Find out more...)
Clinically proven
The PelvicToner has been the subject of clinical trials in both the US and the UK. Both trials concluded that the PelvicToner offered an effective treatment for health conditions caused by pelvic floor weakness.
US trial
The US trial set out to establish the potential of the PelvicToner to cure the symptoms of urinary stress incontinence.
The trial showed that, on average, the resting strength increased by nearly 30%. The most stunning result was that the average active (Kegel) squeeze of the participants increased by nearly 40%.
Both these findings confirm the benefit of resistance exercise as expounded by Arnold Kegel and explain why users of the PelvicToner have much better bladder control and generally feel more confident and in control of functions dependent upon pelvic floor muscle tone.
British clinical trial
The UK clinical trial set out with one objective, to establish whether the PelvicToner was as effective as the best NHS treatment of the day.
The study concluded that it is.
Self-treatment in the privacy of your own home using a PelvicToner was shown to be as effective a treatment for a weak pelvic floor as a three month course of pelvic floor muscle training supervised by a specialist physiotherapist costing £100s.
NICE Guidelines
The newly published NICE Clinical Guidelines (CG171) that review the treatment of urinary incontinence in women, focus entirely on expensive surgical and pharmaceutical intervention and ignore developments in cheap, effective non-invasive options, such as The PelvicToner, since the publication of the 2006 Guidelines.
However, the new NICE Guidelines reassert that supervised Pelvic Floor Muscle Training (PFMT) is the recommended initial treatment in primary care and should be offered in all suitable cases. The sad fact is that the actual PFMT techniques that women are encouraged to practice are a pale imitation of the rigorous and effective exercises that formed the basis of Arnold Kegel's very large scale and comprehensive clinical studies. Handing out a leaflet describing pelvic floor exercises is not a recommended or clinically proven treatment!
The PelvicToner totally adheres to Kegel's principles and is clinically proven to be at least as effective as supervised PFMT - without the need for supervision.
Indeed, the PelvicToner offers substantial benefits over supervised PFMT because women are much more confident that they are exercising correctly and, because of the rigour of the exercise and the use of resistance, they achieve dramatic improvements in muscle tone in a very short time which significantly improves compliance.
*Source: National Institute for Health & Care Excellence (NICE) 2013
If you are a GP or health professional and would like more information visit