Listen to Dr Sarah Jarvis, practicing GP, health and medical reporter on the One Show and regular on the Jeremy Vine Show, talk about stress incontinence and how the PelvicToner is a big help:
"it's much better to do [pelvic floor exercises] with a PelvicToner because the results are more effective. "
We agree!
Radio broadcaster and supporter of natural medicine highly recommends the PelvicToner:
"My Verdict… A superb post-natal product – good for your sex life too!"
GP and sexual health expert Dr Sarah Brewer summed it up perfectly:
“The secret – as identified by Kegel – is to improve muscle tone by exercising against resistance.
People understand that to improve muscle it’s no good just lifting our arms in the air – no matter how many repetitions we do. We have to introduce some form of resistance to get good results, and it’s the same with pelvic floor exercise.
Strengthening the female pelvic floor muscles tightens the vaginal embrace, increasing friction and pleasure during love-making, which benefits both partners.
Clinical research shows the PelvicToner increases the strength of pelvic floor exercises by 28%, and improves resting pelvic muscle tone by almost 10%. As a result, four out of five women report increased sexual satisfaction."
Professor Marcus Drake of the Bristol Urology Institute, says:
"continence service provision is patchy and this sort of product empowers women, gives them better privacy and the prospect of not wasting their time. In our study the PelvicToner aided women to identify their pelvic floor confidently. It increases patient choice and may promote subsequent compliance and sustained efficacy.''
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General practitioner, television (ITV Daybreak) and radio presenter (BBC Radio2 Steve Wright Show and writer on medical issues responded to a question on stress incontinence:
"One in six women experience sexual problems after childbirth and one in three will suffer embarrassing leaks when they cough or sneeze.
A weakened pelvic floor accounts for about 65% of female urinary incontinence – which affects 4 million women in the UK – and unfortunately, the pelvic floor exercise leaflets that are handed out have little proven value. Many doctors take the view that surgery alone can make a difference, but it often fails to bring about a complete long-term solution.
So it amazes me why so few women (and doctors for that matter) know about the PelvicToner. Available on NHS prescription (free with a maternity exemption certificate), this neat little pelvic toning device can improve both a woman’s sex life (80% in a user survey) and levels of stress incontinence (86% in the same survey)."
Reproduced from Rosemary Conley Diet and Fitness Dec/Jan2013
Paul Abrams, Professor of Urology at the Bristol Urological Institute said:
"It is 60 years since Arnold Kegel proposed pelvic floor exercises as a treatment for stress incontinence but a simple, effective method of putting all his principles into practice has eluded us. The PelvicToner™ seems to meet all the requirements that Kegel envisaged - it is a simple, patient-friendly, progressive resistance exercise device and provides feedback to the patient that the correct muscles are being engaged.”
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