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Nicola's incontinence is much improved and as an added bonus her sex life has improved, too, "I use the PelvicToner everytime I feel the need to top up my muscle strength and I intend to keep on using it because I don't want my bladder muscles to weaken again. Without it I'd still be squeezing the wrong muscles, struggling with incontinence and worrying that my prolapse would come back. I'd recommend it to anyone".

Nicola Allen talking to Yours Magazine, October 2011 - click here to read the full article

"I feel I must write to you to say a huge Thank You for your amazing Pelvic Toner! 

I have been experiencing stress incontinence since I had my son in 2004. Although I had regularly done my pelvic floor exercises, I remember being utterly horrified to discover I was leaking when I went for a jog a few weeks after my son was born. At that time I hoped it would improve in time with pelvic floor exercises. 

After my daughter was born in 2006 I was determined to do something about it as the problem was getting in the way of my yoga practice and other exercise. I bought a set of weighted cones but these did nothing at all for the problem in fact they just highlighted how bad things were. 

I have many friends who have young children and leaking is something which we all have accepted as part of having children despite the fact we are in our 30's/late 20's. This is something I always used to think just affected older women. When we got a trampoline a couple of years ago I had to face up to the fact that the problem wasn't getting any better - after just a few jumps on it with the kids I would have significantly leaked. There was just no strength in the pelvic sling. 

At this point I decided to get some medical tests done. I was examined and disappointed to be told to continue with pelvic floor exercises. I then heard of the Kegel 8 which I tried for a year but this did not significantly improve things. 

Then a few months ago a friend recommended the Pelvic Toner. I have to admit I was a bit sceptical at first as I had become a bit jaded by the subject but yes. . . . It is amazing! 

Even after a few days I knew that I was finally exercising the 'right' muscles and they felt tighter and stronger almost straight away! I have noticed a massive difference when on the trampoline and whilst running. I haven't leaked once. 

This extra tightness and strength definitely adds to sexual pleasure. So, I can't thank you enough. 

I've practiced yoga for 13 years and swam competitively in my 20's. Plus I thought nothing of rollerblading for a few hours in an afternoon before I had my children so I didn't think I would be a candidate for this as I was in optimum fitness. I'm so glad and relieved that I don't need to worry it anymore or have that feeling of dread when the Tena Lady ads come on! 

I work as an acupuncturist and now recommend the PT to all my female patients and friends as I'm aware SO many women experience this. 

With immense thanks and best wishes."



"I snuck the pack of Tena lady pads into my shopping trolley, hiding them under the big bag of pasta I was buying for the kids' tea."

"Pretend they're for your Grandma, Shelley!" I told myself, as I queued at the checkout. I was only 23, and I hated the fact that I needed to wear incontinence pads. But since having my third little boy, Farris, who was six months old, I had no choice. I leaked when I exercised or jumped on a trampoline with my older boys Brandon, four, and Denver, three; and even when I coughed, sneezed or bent to wash the kitchen floor."

"The pads were so big that they showed through tight jeans and leggings, so I had to cover up with long baggy tops and smocks. I felt frumpy and unattractive - nothing like the sexy young thing I should be at my age. Not that my partner Duncan, 28, and I had much energy for sex, with three young children to look after."

"Or was I just hiding behind this excuse - because I knew I was no longer satisfying Duncan properly? When we had intercourse, he couldn't climax, and once asked, "Am I still inside you?" I was embarrassed, humiliated, and ashamed that I couldn't be a proper lover to him."

"Since having Farris I'd been doing my pelvic floor exercises religiously. But I knew they weren't working.  Not only was I suffering with stress incontinence, but Duncan couldn't feel me, and I couldn't feel him properly either. He tried to reassure me it didn't matter, but of course it did. We both wanted another baby, and desperately hoped for a little girl to complete our family - but how could we even think about that if Duncan couldn't climax inside me?"

"If I even win the lottery, I'll pay for a Designer Vagina operation!" I told Duncan. I made it sound more of a joke than it really was. When Duncan, a quantity surveyor, was at work, I was trawling the internet for a surgeon who could tighten me up inside - because one thing was for sure, the pelvic floor exercises were not having any effect. When I discovered that surgery would cost at least £5000, my heart sank. But, against the odds, I was now pregnant again - so any decision would have to be put off until after the new baby was born. I knew I should talk to my GP, but I was too embarrassed."

"Then, on TV, Embarrassing Bodies did something on devices to exercise the pelvic floor, and I sent off for one immediately. It looked like a large clothes peg with an end like a penis to fit inside you, and springs to open and close the device using your vaginal muscles. I couldn't use it when I was pregnant so I kept it safe until after our beautiful baby girl Cherry-Belle was born last August. Then, as soon as I'd stopped bleeding, I started to use it. It was hard work and I had to stick to the exercises several times a week.  But I wanted our first time after the baby to be extra special. If Duncan didn't notice a difference, I knew I'd be more upset than he was. Once I noticed I was leaking less when I coughed, sneezed, ran and jumped, I knew my pelvic floor was tightening up the way I wanted it to."

"I scheduled a romantic evening with Duncan. Not only did we both notice the difference, we had to use KY jelly to ease Duncan in because I was now so much tighter than before! Since then our sex life has been wonderful, and our whole relationship has improved because I'm happier in myself. I hadn't realized how snappy and short tempered I'd become until my mood lightened.  I'm back in tight leggings, and don't have to worry about leaks. I feel attractive again and I can't stop talking about my weak pelvic floor now that it's strong again. Life has never been better!"

Shelley Perfect was interviewed by Karen Evennett for That's Life (7 April 2011). Click to view published article


"I'm a community midwife, so if anyone knows about the pelvic floor, I do - I spend half my life talking about it. But I was guilty of not checking the health of my own pelvic floor."

"It was easy to be complacent because, despite having had three children, I didn't suffer from stress incontinence, which is the most common sign of pelvic floor weakness, so I assumed that the few exercises I was managing to fit into my busy life were doing the trick."

"Then, about five years ago, I met my partner, Paul, 42. One night I admitted that I was one of the millions of women who had never experienced a vaginal orgasm. Some people don't believe they're possible. He commented that I might have a better chance if I was more toned inside. I was shocked - I hadn't realised I had a problem."

"I'd recently given birth to our daughter Lily, two, and I asked if it had been worse since then. To my horror, Paul said, gently, that it was just the same - he thought I'd reached my maximum looseness before Lily!"

"He stressed that he wasn't complaining, that he loved our sex life, but that he thought that we would both benefit if I tried harder with my exercises."

"Although mortified, for me it was like looking into a crystal ball and seeing a future I had a chance to avert - one in which my pelvic floor could have continued to weaken as I aged. As well as sexual dissatisfaction, a weak pelvic floor could lead to a prolapsed womb, or a hernia of the bladder or rectum into the vagina."

"Even though I advise pregnant and postnatal women online through my website, I'd lost confidence in my ability to tone my pelvic floor - so I sent for a PelvicToner (, which is like a big clothes peg you squeeze shut with your vaginal muscles."

"I began using it for a few minutes every night and was soon doing more than 100 squeezes a day. Within a month Paul was commenting on the difference - and two years on, I can happily report that vaginal orgasms are definitely not a myth!"

As reported in "We saved our love lives" Prima magazine Feb 2009. Claire Parry was interviewed by journalist Karen Evennett

View the article


Good morning, just wanted to give you a bit of feedback on my PelvicToner which arrived this week...what a super product. I've used it twice a day (180 reps on the extra set of springs I ordered) and can already feel more awareness of the pelvic floor muscles.. it's like they've woken up since using them with the PelvicToner which requires concentration and the correct use of the muscles is actually visible. 

My pelvic floor muscles were shot – I couldn’t laugh without feeling as if I was going to leak. I started to feel the benefits of the PelvicToner after about a week, and realised how connected those muscle are - not only to your bladder but also to sexual sensation. I soon had enough stamina in the muscles to use them during lovemaking to achieve orgasm, which I’d never been able to do previously.

I've had disturbed bladder nerve sensation since a very serious attack of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in January which also left me with an almost complete inability to achieve orgasm...and I've made great strides in both departments this week alone!! I'm so optimistic that I've discovered a method of helping myself without (further) hospital intervention and all the associated emotional trauma.

I've always assumed my pelvic floor would be strong as my babies weren't delivered naturally, but until I used the PelvicToner, I didn't realise quite how much more supported my 'gynae bits' should feel. Interestingly, since I've become aware of the pelvic floor muscles using the PelvicToner, I've found that I can now tighten them (albeit in a less controlled way) as I go about my daily routine as and when I remember, and in doing so, seem to be becoming increasingly 'tuned in' to the sexy sensations that produces...much to my boyfriend's delight! Ha ha! 

Thank you! 

Best regards Allie C


Prolapse surgery avoided 

Five years ago at the age of 37 I had a hysterectomy and vaginal repair due to a severe uterine prolapse and a cystocele (bladder prolapsing into the vagina). All was well for four and half years and then I started to experience a familiar feeling of dragging into the vagina. 

I visited my gynaecologist who confirmed that the top of the vagina was once again descending into the lower part of the vagina and sooner or later I would need further surgery. I am a busy mum of four boys and have a part time job. There was no way I could afford the time off work and the family. I was feeling very despondent.

I came across an article in the February edition of Good Housekeeping about the PelvicToner and femetone. I went onto the websites of each. I decided to try the PelvicToner as it was affordable and seemed the better option. 

I have been using my PelvicToner for four weeks now and already there had been a noticeable difference. I can go for long walks, and do not feel any dragging in the vagina. I have also noticed that I don’t need to visit the toilet so often. At a recent visit to the doctors, it was confirmed there was an improvement. 

The PelvicToner is simple to use, you just need 15 minutes a day to achieve incredible results. I believe that if I continue to exercise my pelvic floor muscles with the PelvicToner, surgery will not be necessary and that I will also prevent any future bladder problems. 

Heather W, Surrey March 2007


A gadget saved my sex life
(extract from article in Woman's Own 18 Nov 2002)

Katie Young endured crippling pain and depression as she battled with severe endometriosis. But despite undergoing radical surgery and a difficult recovery, she is now enjoying life - and love - with her fiance, and it's all thanks to an inexpensive little product.

In October (2001), Katie, 30, went into theatre for her operation, which, because of the delicate surgery, took most of the day to perform. Thankfully, the news awaiting her recovery when she came round was good. The surgeon had managed to laser off the endometriosis from the bowel without the need for a colostomy - although part of Katie's vagina and cervix had to be removed, making her vagina smaller and shorter.

'Since the surgery,' explains Katie, 'sex has been different for me. I can feel the scarring, and my pelvic floor muscles are weaker, causing stress incontinence. Conor (her fiance) has been fantastic - understanding and gentle. But when a friend told me about a little gadget called the PelvicToner, it sounded as if it could help.'

'The PelvicToner is a cylindrical-shaped device with a rounded top, divided through the middle - rather like hair tongs. You insert it into the vagina to help isolate the pelvic-floor muscles, using resistance to provide a mini-workout. As your pelvic-floor muscles get stronger, you increase the resistance. I've been using it for less than a month and I can already feel the difference in strength and tone. Conor calls the exercises "pelvic push-ups". My nightly workout has improved sensation for both of us - and I look on it as a kind of preparation for sex!'

'I can hardly believe the way things have changed for me in the last two years,' Katie says. 'I have my health back, my own business, a gorgeous man, and a fantastic sex life. I must be the luckiest woman in the world.'

Katie Young was interviewed by top health journalist Deborah Dooley in September 2002


After only four days of using my Pelvic Toner I am already noticing a huge improvement in the control of my bladder. I am both amazed and delighted by the result and intend to carry on with daily exercises.

The device has enabled me to identify my pelvic muscle, something I had found impossible to feel or use prior to this. I can even now continue my exercises throughout the day, whatever I am doing, which is what my Continence Nurse has been encouraging me to do. I feel so encouraged and excited that at last I shall be able to overcome my embarrassing urinary incontinence problem, without surgery. I will keep you informed of my progress.

I can tell that using the Pelvic Toner will make my sexual relationship with my husband 100% better for us both, since my pelvic muscle is becoming sensitive and responsive again. The best thing is that it has already changed my negative feelings (caused by my incontinence problems), into a very positive frame of mind. I know that my confidence will return, so that I am not limited to constantly being in striking distance of a loo!!

I have even been afraid to risk travelling into town on a bus, and have not dared to take a holiday for the past two years.

Whilst I am very happy to recommend your product to any woman experiencing difficulties, either with incontinence or sexual relations, particularly following childbirth (something I remember VERY vividly), I would prefer not to have my name or photograph used in publications because it would embarrass me, and my family. Should you wish to quote me anonymously, then I am quite happy.

With thanks.

Mrs M, 60


10 years ago I had a macro plastique injection, which worked for 9 years. 6 months ago my symptoms returned only worse, with very poor bladder control. I went back to the same Urologist (privately) who recommended a TVA Sling. The operation was awful, I took 7 weeks to recover, but my bladder problems appearde to be over.

2 months later they returned only worse, my consultant told me not to bother with pelvic floor exercises any more. Just use my brain to control the bladder .

I insisted he refer me to a physiotherapist that specialises in pelvic floor, again privately, a complete waste of time, I was given a leaflet, nothing else. 

I did my own research on the internet and found the PelvicToner. I noticed an immediate improvement, it has changed my life.

I have total control and the sensation of prolapse that I had for years has gone.

AN Nov 2010


Gladys B feels as though her life has been "transformed", after ten years of poor bladder control when all her journeys outside the home were governed by the availability of a toilet, which she was likely to need in a hurry.

First signs of improvement began within a week of starting to use the PelvicToner, and after one month, the improvement was "incredible". "I never went out shopping or on holidays without a supply of incontinence towels. Now, I can take my granddaughter for a walk and I don't have to worry how far I go. I feel I have my life back again."

Bladder surgery failed to solve the problem; pelvic exercise cones were relegated to the bottom of a cupboard as the problem failed to clear. "I was always restricted in where I could go and always had to wear an incontinence pad. I was terrified of having an embarrassing accident."

The problem was so distressing that she felt she had become "old". She took to buying dark clothes which were less likely than lighter ones to show any telltale marks. "It was affecting my whole life." Gladys and her husband were even considering using their life savings on private surgery in America. Now, they can go on holiday to new resorts, instead of only to Blackpool, where they know where the loos are.

I don't have a problem now. After using the PelvicToner on most days since September (2001), "I don't have a problem," Gladys B says. "The other week, I took my granddaughter aged 41/2 to school and we actually ran." This had previously been impossible because there was on public lavatory on the route. "I am looking forward to skipping with my grandchildren."

"To say the Pelvic Toner is marvellous is an understatement. It is absolutely brilliant. It is incredible. I can't praise it highly enough."

"In September, I saw this little piece in my local paper, the Hartlepool Mail, about the trial of the PelvicToner and I sent off to be on it. My letter was in the post within hours. I didn't think I would be one of the lucky ones."

"I couldn't believe how quickly it worked. It started to work within the first week. I kept it to myself because I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. I didn't believe that in a week I could see a difference, but it was true. It was incredible."

"I had a bladder repair four years ago. Everything went well for the first three months, and then very rapidly I was straight back to where I was in the beginning. I was really desperate not to have another bladder operation." An earlier hysterectomy - needed for other reasons - had failed to stop the urinary incontinence.

After the bladder repair surgery, Mrs B was given a leaflet by the hospital on pelvic exercises, "but nobody explained them. I tried doing them, but do not know whether I was doing them properly or not."

"The key to this little gadget, the PelvicToner, is in the booklet that they give you on how to use it. It says: 'Insert a finger into the vagina, and try to tighten the muscles around your finger as if holding back urine. When you feel the pressure on your finger, you are using the correct muscle. Remember that the abdominal and thigh muscles should remain relaxed. Remember not to hold your breath and to breathe slowly and deeply.'

"I felt a bit silly inserting a finger, but you got the rhythm of how your muscles inside were working, so when you inserted the little gadget, you knew you were just following straight on, and that is how I quickly got the benefits."

"We always like Blackpool for our holidays and it has become a family joke because I have all the toilets mapped out there, and once I felt the need, I knew where to pop in to. But I always carried a spare pair of knickers and a couple of towels in my handbag. I never went anywhere without them for about ten years. Now, I've got three packs of incontinence towels in the wardrobe that I'll never use."

"When I wakened in the morning, as long as I lay in bed I was all right. The minute I touched the floor, I had to rush straight to the toilet and sometimes I was leaking before I got there. That used to cause me real distress. My husband used to say 'Nobody knows about it but me' but it was still distressing and depressing."

"Now, if I go on holiday and want to keep up with my exercises, this little gadget is so neat that I can pop it in my handbag and nobody would know it is there. We went on holiday to Whitby, Yorkshire, to celebrate my birthday. I went to the toilet at 8.15 a.m. before we left the house and it was 2.15 p.m. before I went to the toilet again in our hotel room. When I told my daughter, she couldn't believe it. She said 'Mam, you have never been able to go that long before'."

"I said I'm just thrilled to bits. On Saturday, we went to York for the day, and I had no problems whatsoever. It is incredible that such a little gadget can make such a difference to my life."

"The change in my life is unbelievable."

Mrs Gladys B, 63, of Peterlee, County Durham
Former Lollipop Lady. Married, with a son, a daughter and five grandchildren

Interview conducted by top health journalist Clare Dover


In just a few words "your" PelvicToner has worked wonders for me.

I just cannot believe it. I have always had to wear a thick pad but after three weeks I am now down to panty liners.

I would be willing to talk to anyone if you wish me to. I think it's magic. You have made me a very happy person. It's Great!!

Mrs J aged 65


Daily Mail 8 March 2011


Dr Sarah Jarvis, the highly regarded Media Doctor and specialist in women's health wrote about the PelvicToner in the May 11 issue of Good Housekeeping. 

New survey reveals importance of active sex life for over 50s

According to a new survey of 1000 couples, sex is the favourite activity of middle-aged couples. GP Andy Carson said: "An active sex life is great for maintaining fitness levels. Over 50s should look to doing physical activity at least three times a week - sex definitely falls into that category."

Psychologist Craig Jackson said: "Until recently magazines targeting this age group didn't touch upon the subject of sex. But more talk of sex in popular literature has made talking about it and having an active and sex life far more acceptable"

The survey, conducted by PelvicToner, was reported on Loose Women, and in The Daily Mail, The Sun and The Daily Mirror on Friday 10 June.

The PelvicToner has helped many couples revitalise their sex lives.

Why is the PelvicToner so relevant today?

This extract from a Sunday Times article 25 June 2011 puts everything into perspective "Many women see delivering a baby as an emotional high point and could not imagine missing a second of agonising pain, despite the fact that, according to the Lancet, up to one in three of them will afterwards suffer some form of incontinence, and up to one in six some form of sexual dysfunction. In the 266-page Nice document are figures of 64% of women suffering sexual problems six months after childbirth, and a 21% risk of incontinence. An average figure of almost £7,000 is given for lifetime treatment of incontinence, and that is still assuming everyone dies by the age of 80. And fewer than two in three of the women affected actually see a doctor. No treatment at all is suggested for sexual problems. “You do see a lot of British women with vaginas you could drive a bus up,” one woman obstetrician remarked graphically. “I think a lot of them just accept that forgoing sexual pleasure is the price they have to pay for having children.” 


Mail on Sunday 31 July 2011

Click here to read three excellent articles from the Daily Mail, Daily Mirror and Woman's Own that all confirm the benefits that the PelvicToner can bring to a flagging sex life!



PRESS RELEASE 28 August 2012

Mothers kept in the dark with Post-birth pelvic problems

A discussion on the hugely popular website Mumsnet has shown that many new mothers resign themselves to a life of pelvic floor weakness because of ignorance of alternative treatments and a general lack of support from their GP’s. As a result,millions of women are suffering a lifetime of embarrassing leaks and serious affects on their sex lives. 

The discussion generated comments from frustrated women of all ages, many dissatisfied with the ineffectiveness of pelvic floor exercises usually recommended by the NHS. The exercises, known as Kegel exercises, were originally designed to work against muscle resistance and NICE also recommends that they are performed under supervision by a trained specialist to ensure that women isolate and exercise the correct muscles. Many women were angry that they weren’t made aware of this detail. Most were also unaware that a simple vaginal toning device is available on prescription. 

The clinically proven PelvicToner works by ensuring that the correct muscles are engaged and that the muscle workout is as effective as possible. Users of the PelvicToner experience a rapid improvement in their muscle strength and this raises compliance with the exercise programme to prevent future pelvic floor weakness. There were many comments complaining of a lack of information and relevant advice. Medical follow up after birth seems inconsistent too. 

Women often expect to have a weak pelvic floor after birth and think not much can be done for them. There was a general feeling that more needed to be done to raise awareness of the issue of post natal pelvic floor and bladder problems. 

One Mumsnetter said… ‘I got a leaflet that told me to do pelvic floor exercises’ ‘but it didn’t tell me how to do them, or what issues could arise if I didn't. Nobody really admits to it. We all make jokes about weeing on trampolines but nothing more’ Another said ‘At my 6 week check, I was asked if I was doing my PFEs, of course I was. I answered yes, that's it. They didn't ask me what I was doing specifically, they didn't ask me how they were going, they didn't give me a leaflet showing me how to do them properly (so I still don't know). 

Sex after childbirth is affected too, One woman spoke frankly about her sex life. ‘The main issue for me is sex after having 2 big babies. 'leakage' is an issue too as I have to wear a panty liner in case I sneeze... Frankly, orgasms are just plain rubbish without the strong muscles inside to carry you over. And, combined with a decreased sex drive anyway, I'd rather have a cup of tea and an early night these you can probably imagine, my marriage is a little bit stale at present’ 

Lack of a sympathetic ear was another complaint from the women on Mumsnet It seems there needs to be a broader focus generally on what a mother may expect in terms of physical and emotional changes after she leaves hospital. Comments included: ‘I have been to the doctors regarding this issue and been fobbed off by them’ ‘I think half the problem is that the 6-8 week check ends up being for babies, nobody checks you, nobody checks your tummy for a separation, nobody asks about leaks, nobody asks if you have trouble with bowel movements’ 

Barry Fowler developed and manufactures The PelvicToner, a cheap, simple, and clinically proven device which is available from the NHS (so free on prescription to new mums with maternity exemption). He says: "If GPs gave every new mother a PelvicToner then it would solve a major problem quickly and effectively. And the long term savings for the NHS would be huge. But there are still millions of women who are too embarrassed to even consult with their doctor because of the taboo that surrounds stress incontinence or the belief that it is something which they must suffer in silence. These women can now help themselves and purchase with confidence knowing that the PelvicToner is cheap, simple to use and of proven effectiveness.'' 

When informed of alternatives such as the PelvicToner, many Mums on the Mumsnet site were positive, but unaware of any alternatives, thinking they had to suffer in silence with USI and distressed that they had not been given further information or prescribed a product like the PelvicToner that has helped 86 per cent of users and resulted in greatly improved sex life. 

There is a Facebook campaign New-Mothers-Deserve-Better to try and raise awareness of the issues amongst all women and to encourage new mothers, in particular, to demand a more pro-active approach from their GP. 

For those who do not want to visit their GP the PelvicToner is £29.99 + £2.00 p&p; from 0117 974 3534. 


For info : Barry Fowler at [email protected]. Janey Lee Grace PR [email protected] 

Stress incontinence occurs as a result of reduced support for the bladder, usually by 'sagging' pelvic floor muscles commonly brought-on by childbirth, the natural effects of the menopause, obesity and a lack of regular, effective pelvic floor exercise. It accounts for 65 per cent of female urinary incontinence and affects around 4 million women in the UK. One in ten women in the workplace suffer, as do a third of all new mothers. 

Weak pelvic floor muscles are also a key cause of a lacklustre sex life and PelvicToner exercises have been shown to significantly improve the ability to achieve orgasm. In a user survey, 80% of respondents reported an improved sex life and 62% also reported that their partner noticed improved vaginal tightness. 

The two-year randomised study of the PelvicToner at the Bristol Urological Institute (BUI) monitored participants for 16 weeks. The BUI, Britain's leading urodynamics research centre, is based at Southmead Hospital, Bristol. The researchers said the PelvicToner was ''easy to use'' and proved ''particularly helpful'' in the majority of cases. A total of 86 per cent gave a satisfaction rating of seven-out-of-ten or higher. 86 per cent of participants who used the PelvicToner reported a ''significant'' improvement in their condition. 

There are a variety of products that purport to strengthen the pelvic floor, but the clinical trials confirm that the PelvicToner is much more effective than expensive electrical stimulation devices and weighted vaginal cones. These alternatives are not recommended by NICE and are not universally advocated by clinicians as they have yet to produce sufficient evidence of efficacy. The PelvicToner is the first and only pelvic toning device to be recognised by the NHS and a special new category of ‘Pelvic Toning Devices’ has been created on the Drug Tariff IXA. 

The PelvicToner was developed in the UK and is manufactured in the SouthWest. 











Eye make-up - Cosmetics - DIY Salon products - Natural health products - Allergies - Childrens health - Feminine care - Sexual health - Stress Incontinence - Kegel exercises - The Pelvicisor - Pelvic Toner - Better orgasms - Improve your sex life - Tampons and toxic shock - Herbal remedies for menopause - Herbs for women - Herbal blends - Herbs for women - Herbal remedies for menopause - Natural hygiene products - Sea Pearls - Health supplements -